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Underneath it all… all the striving and struggle, trying and vying, heartache, hiding and pain… There is love. Pure love is what each of us is at the core… Love cannot be measured and neither can you…
If you want to know who you really really are, don’t listen to your flesh (false self/ego)… There is no love there. No truth there either. The ego is on the measurement system of comparison. The ego blocks love & intimacy. The ego is only concerned with obtaining worth and value externally. The ego is the wrong path to fulfillment, freedom & wholeness. The ego promises but doesn’t deliver. It is built on the lie that you can add to your own value, but you can’t. It’s impossible. You are love and love cannot be measured!!! You just are…
Open your eyes to see with your Spirit. Get honest. Face yourself. It is through facing yourself (good & bad) with kindness, compassion & equality (not greater than or less than) that you will discover this truth. You are love!!! You ARE love!!!

Carpe diem!



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