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The Quest

I’m unfulfilled. I’m craving something… I feel a little lost.

There are so many things I want to do in my life and I’m creating a bucket list. I feel choked, like I’m lacking time and money. I have the perfect avenue for me to gain both of these ever important, elusive things but I have no idea where to start. I have so many thoughts, ideas, questions rumbling around my head and I just can’t decipher them into something meaningful for me to express. I don’t know who to ask or what to ask. I don’t know what avenues I can take to get to where I want to go. I feel suffocated in a way, like all these amazing possibilities are slightly out of reach.

I’m on a mission to discover what makes me happy. By learning more about myself and overcoming my fear of judgement and rejection will I be better equipped to pursue my dreams fearlessly and tenaciously. What’s holding me back? What can I do to get to where I want to be?

What are my higher values? What are my passions? How can I contribute to today?

I’m going to be asking myself these questions every day.
No more fear.
No more judgement.

Just me.

 Where the heart leads, life will follow. Thumbs up to a heart and life set on finding and following the road to true happiness.


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