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Showing posts from February, 2016

Life- suitecased!!!!

Hi there! How are you? It is been long since I did one of my rant. I usually did a lot of rantings either through my write-ups or through my friends. Now a days I don't get time to write, you can say I've been carried out by the busy-mess' of my business! Time has taken a lot from my life and it has taught a lot about life. Past two years after becoming an engineer has changed me a lot. On the brighter side it has made me a strong independent women who can face the rational and emotional world without fear.It is a long journey that I've to walk alone I suppose. Many of my readers might 've understood that I'm a person who writes things without giving out my personal emotions.I write stuffs but people who know me wonder when I felt that I wrote. I act emotionally detached which has cost me so much. I wish I am not so. I've been a very personal person through out my life. I fuddle with peoples thoughts on me -rather did it deliberately-. Peop...